Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Ear Oil Recipe

Today is Wednesday, time for another recipe!

Ear ache oil recipe
This is my recipe for ear oil.  It isn’t like the ear oils that they sell in health food stores, this is an ear oil that actually numbs the pain of ear infections, or swimmers ear.  The oils are also great for helping to kill infection or bacteria that may be lurking in you, or your kiddo’s ears as well, but shouldn’t be relied alone to treat an actual infection.  The thing that makes this oil invaluable, and different than any other ear oil I’ve seen on the market is the clove oil.  Ear infection pain is so miserable, for adults and children alike.  Did you know that clove oil is the active ingredient in the numbing gel that dentists use before they work on your teeth?  Yep, it’s so effective that the medical community even acknowledges it’s numbing powers!   I have used this ear oil on my little boy many times over the years, and never had it not stop his ear pain.  He even learned at a very young age that me adding drops to his ears helped, so he would lay really still with his head on my lap while I filled up his ear and let it sit for a few minutes.
Many ear drops tell you to add a drop or two to the ear canal, but I have never found this to be effective.  I always fill the ear canal up with oil, let it sit for 2-5 minutes, (or with an infant until they seem to have some relief from the ear pain) and then dump it out.  Wipe the ear, but leave any residual oil in the ear canal, it will coat it and help prolong the relief.  If for any reason the oil does not stop the pain, you can add a few more drops of clove oil to the mixture, and repeat.  This recipe is MUCH stronger than many other applications that use these oils, but in my experience the concentration is needed for relief, and is used on a very short term basis, usually with only one or two applications.  Don’t use this oil repeatedly to try to prevent ear infections, kill germs etc.  This is for pain ONLY.  Don’t be afraid to use it, but don’t use if flippantly either.  It is a 2% dilution of clove, if anyone wishes to know, plus the other oils.  Typically clove is used at a 1% dilution or less, but for this application I recommend the 2% for adults.  The dilution rate including the other oils is approximately a 5% dilution.  The changes for children, cuts that dilution in half, or by a quarter depending on the age of the child.

Numbing Ear Oil
Adult Ear Oil:
1 Tbsp olive oil (or another heavier carrier oil such as sweet almond, avocado, or if you don’t have these you can use plain vegetable oil)
6 drops of clove oil
2 drops tea tree oil
3 drops frankincense
3 drops lavender                                                                                                                                                                     (See below for dilution ratio for infants and children)
As I said, this is quite a strong mixture and is designed for numbing a severe ear ache, not continuous use.  Always test  this oil on the inside of your wrist for at least 12 hours prior to use to make sure you have no reaction to any of the oils.  I always recommend spot testing it on a child’s wrist  BEFORE you have any ear problems, so that you don’t have to waste time when they are in pain and the occasion to use this oil arises.  Do NOT EVER heat up or even warm up this mixture.  It is to be applied at room temperature, warming will increase irritation, and can exaggerate the symptoms of an ear infection.  If you have any concerns you can always dilute the mixture further.
Mix the oil and essential oils together really well, then you are ready to put in in an achy ear. If you want to make up a batch ahead of time, store it in a dark bottle in the refrigerator away from the light until the need arises.  Bring the bottle of oil to room temp. before applying to the ears by placing the bottle in a bowl of warm water for a few minutes. (not too long you don’t want the oil to get hot.  Just room temperature.)

For Children
add an extra 1-2 TBSP of oil to this mixture BEFORE using this on young child.  Their skin is much more sensitive, especially the delicate inner ear.  If your child does not receive relief, try a slightly stronger mixture.  I have used this, or variations of this recipe for years, and have never had a child complain of any discomfort, so don't be scared, but each child is different, so watch and listen.

So why did I choose these particular oils for the ear oil?  Well, for one IT WORKS!  But beyond just that, here are some of the properties of each oil that make it ideal for ear pain.

Clove: is excellent for infections, pain.  Eugenol is one of the main chemicals found in cloves, and is used in medicines as an antiseptic and a local anesthetic.
Tea Tree: is high in terpinen-4-ol which is responsible for most of it’s antimicrobial activity.  Tea tree oil is antiviral, anti-fungal, antiseptic, and antibacterial.
Frankincense: helps the body both fight against, and prevent infections.  It has antiseptic and disinfectant properties, as well as helping reduce inflammation, easing irritation of skin and membranes, as well as reducing pain.  It is also great for calming anxiety, which if you are anything like me, severe pain of any kind can bring on a wave of anxiety, so I added this oil to our blend for a little extra calming.
Lavender: is a wonderful antiseptic, pain reliever, great for burns or highly irritated skin. (ie. a very sensitive and angry ear drum or canal)  It is also very calming and soothing to the central nervous system.

Always educate yourself on the uses and potential hazards of using any essential oil BEFORE you use it!  This post is not intended to diagnose, or treat any illnesses.  Do not use this mixture on an infant under the age of 1 before discussing it with an experienced aromatherapist, who can go over any specific risks or concerns regarding your child.


  1. Can you add an image to this post? I tried this and it really worked to stop the ear pain. I want to pin this to my pinterest and it won't let me because there are no pictures to pin.

  2. Is it normal for the oil to drip back out next day?

  3. Such a great blog and all the writings. Can’t help thinking about the author.
